Breakroon pictures


S&H is dedicated to providing opportunities of choice. We offer a range of services to try to meet the wants/needs of each person in the best possible/least restrictive manner. We support each person’s choices to utilize only one service or a combination of services.

S&H is committed to removing attitudinal, architectural, employment, transportation, communication, community engagement, or any other barriers to people with disabilities within the organization and the community.


S&H offers workforce solutions to area businesses in multiple ways. Our capable work force and professional production can reduce overhead and space requirements and allow you greater flexibility in the use of your personnel.

We can fill an open position with an employee. S&H provides the training and follow along to ensure the company’s needs are being met. We also can provide a mobile work crew at your facility. This crew has a supervisor to provide constant quality control and oversight. S&H also offers contract work to be completed at our facility.

The type of work S&H is willing to provide is limitless. We have experience in areas such as kitting, assembly, document shredding, labeling, bag sealing, rework, industrial chains, heat sealing, refrigeration unit rewiring, various cleaning, folding, counting, inserting, collating, packing and repacking, syringe filling, bracket clearing, and more. If you have a need to build or supplement your workforce, S&H is the place to contact.

S&H offers a large, flexible work force, warehouse and delivery services, thorough quality control, and competitive pricing. We provide timely and competitive quotes, dependable work force and professional staff, delivery and pick up, quick turnaround, short and long term jobs, on-site or off-site work force. Contact S&H for a no obligation evaluation. We will review your needs and suggest a cost saving ideas that incorporate our work force with yours.


The Spirit and Hands art studio is designed to allow people to express themselves through art. This art is then sold in our art store located at S&H, art shows, local events, and via our website. The person that creates the art receives a commission pay when the art sells. 


S&H provides transportation services in a safe and efficient manner in the most normalized mode possible. We provide transportation based on the needs of the person. It may be to/from S&H, it may also be to/from a work place in the community, and activity locations in the community.

Most of our vehicles are equipped with modifications to support wheelchair mobility. Staff are trained in proper techniques for wheelchair tie downs and lift safety.


S&H recognizes the responsibility to provide for general health, protection, well-being, and safety. We maintain an environment conducive to optimal promotion of health and safety.

We have a full-time Registered Nurse to assist with all minor and major medical needs. All S&H staff are certified in First Aid and CPR.


S&H provides multiple services connected to a person working. These services may include career discovery, career exploration, career planning, benefits education and analysis, community employment, contract work and/or volunteering. The intent of all of our vocational services is to provide comprehensive employment supports for a person to achieve or advance in competitive employment.

Career discovery provides supports to reveal how interests and activities of daily life may be translated into possibilities for employment.

Career exploration provides supports for a person to interact with current job holders and observe jobs and job tasks to discover if what the person has in their mind of a job is in reality what the job actually is.

Career planning may include an assessment to discover and address the barriers encountered by the person in employment.

Benefits education and analysis support provides information about the impact of paid employment on public assistance benefits.

Community employment supports are designed to help the person get, maintain, and/or advance in a competitive community workforce. These supports may include job coaching, training in assistive technology, and other services to help the person integrate into the job setting.

Contract work is frequently completed in the S&H facility and are services that provide learning and work experiences where the person develops general skills that lead to competitive integrated employment. Some of these supports include teaching the ability to communicate effectively with supervisors, coworkers, and customers; generally accepted workplace conduct and dress; ability to follow directions; ability to attend to a task; workplace problem solving; and workplace safety. The person is paid a wage when completing contract work developing their skills.

Volunteering supports are provided in a similar manner as career discovery, exploration, and planning but is based on the person’s philanthropic senses to give back to the community. Contract work supports are utilized to help the person learn the skills needed to be part of a volunteer group.


Life development is non-vocational day supports with provisions of regularly scheduled activities provided in a non-residential setting, such as assistance with acquisition, retention, or improvement of self-help socialization and adaptive skills that enhance the individual’s social development and performance of daily community engagement. It is designed to foster skills, build community membership and independence, and expand personal choice. It enables people to attain and maintain his or her maximum potential.

Examples of Life Development may include, but are not limited to, supports to participate in community activities and hold community memberships based on the person’s interests, preferences, and goals. We provide supports to develop and maintain a meaningful social life, including social skills development which offers opportunities in personal growth, independence, and natural supports through community involvement and participation. Supports and opportunities to increase problem solving skills to maximize a person’s ability to participate in integrated community involvement and participation.

Personal care including supports in personal hygiene, eating, communication, mobility, and other daily living to ensure the person’s ability to participate in their life choices. Skill reinforcement including the implementation of behavior supports, communication and mobility devices, and other activities that reinforce skills learned by a person to ensure his or her initial and continued participation in community life. S&H trains in self-determination, assisting the person to develop self-advocacy skills, to exercise his or her civil rights; to exercise control and responsibility over his or her self and the services they receive; and supports to acquire skills that enable him or her to become more independent, productive, and integrated within the community.